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May 5th, 2022

Dr. Rhonda L. Hamilton – (240) 274-9436;
Overseer Dr. Ann Coles II – (301) 975-7660;

Healthy DC & Me Leadership Coalition “dba” Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition, Hosts Their 1st Small Business “Roundtable” Mixer to Raise Awareness and to Advocate for mentally “Healthy” Communities in Prince George’s County, Maryland!

(Camp Springs, Maryland) – The Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition is hosting their 1st Small Business “Round Table” Mixer from their Prince George’s County Offices located at 4710 Auth Place, Suite 100, in Camp Springs, Maryland. 6PM-8:30PM

Efforts to assist with viable and sustainable “wellness” resource linkage for vulnerable, homeless, and unstable citizens in the Prince George’s County, Maryland area, who have been observed with sleeping in commercially occupied office buildings, parked or abandoned cars, tents, and other insufficient “make-shift” temporary shelters, have caused many small business owners to question the proper “accountability” of the applicable Prince George’s County governmental elected and legislature officials.

A recent inquiry made by the Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition to the Prince George’s County “Emergency Shelter Services” homeless hotline on behalf of Prince George’s County community members who continue to identify as having “nowhere” to sleep or live, has revealed a troubling and disheartening truth.

As the nation continues to grapple with the long reaching and unpredictable spread of additional Covid-19 variants, the N.Y. Times is reporting that Prince George’s County has an extremely high increase in Covid-19 cases as of the May 4, 2022, reporting. Additionally, the N.Y. Times reports that Prince George’s County currently has an average of 138 Covid-19 cases a day, which is a 25% increase from just two weeks prior.

The health and welfare of low-income, homeless, and vulnerable citizens during this Pandemic appears grossly mishandled and negligently managed by the Prince George’s County governmental officials. The Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition is additionally concerned with homeless citizens who are in possession of Maryland state issued identification and are being referred by the Prince George’s County  “homeless hotline” employees, to the District of Columbia to seek refuge through the District’s shelter services system.

The Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition is summoning members of the Prince George’s County Small Business community in a “Call to Action” initiative aimed at holding the appropriate governmental, and elected officials accountable for developing an immediate solution to providing proper shelter for its homeless and vulnerable community members. Vulnerable Prince George’s County populations are continually being subjected to unnecessary and life-threatening health hazards and mental instability while awaiting shelter placement, which is taking more than 60 days in many cases. Instability with housing and shelter placement for these citizens has and continues to daily impact their diminished mental states. National Alliance on Mental Illness reports that at least 48 million Americans suffer with “Anxiety Disorders” and another 21 Million suffer with “Major Depressive” episodes.  Homeless Prince George’s County community members are communicating feelings of depression and anxiety among other reported health concerns.

The Healthy DMV & Me Leadership Coalition has asked that the United Nations representatives investigate Prince George’s County’s inability or unwillingness to properly house and care for its vulnerable community members.

For More Information:

Dr. Rhonda L. Hamilton
M.I. Mother’s Keeper
Healthy D.C. & Me Leadership Coalition
Executive Director/President
240-274-9436 or
1-888-389-7209 fax
Facebook: Rhonda L. Hamilton
Facebook: Healthy DC & ME Coalition