M.I.’s “Reading for Riches” program is designed to get the youth excited about improving their literacy and overall social skills. In exchange for reading and completing the designated reports, according to a pre-determined set of guidelines, M.I. will reward various achievements in their successful reading, presentation of the stories and life lessons learned along the way.
M.I. feels that it is imperative that we help to improve the literacy rate in communities where resources and economic circumstances are challenged. Specifically in mental health and homeless communities, young citizens should be empowered to improve their quality of living to increase their opportunities to become employable and self-sufficient, while also increasing their social and intellectual abilities.
Please visit www.mimotherskeeper.com “file archive” to see current “Reading for Riches” program information and guidelines. M.I. Mother’s Keeper is more than happy to customize a “Reading for Riches” program in your community or school. Call today or send your request via our webpage.