M.I. Mother’s Keeper is sponsoring “STATE OF THE COMMUNITY”
1629 K Street NW Suite 300
Washington 20006
Website: www.mimotherskeeper.com
E-Mail: advocates4mi@gmail.com
Dear Sponsor,
M.I. Mother’s Keeper™ is a non-profit organization dedicated to raising Mental Health awareness, and reducing gun violence in our neighborhoods and cities, as well as nationwide. Through our “State of the Community” six (6) month initiative, we’re hosting a series of discussions and forums with individuals who represent various points of view, to increase efforts of gun violence prevention & intervention within communities.
Since December 2012 there have been at least 1,518 mass shootings nationwide, according to the Gun Violence Archive, which has tracked mass shootings since 2013. Are the media reports of mass shootings galvanizing the public’s attention and reinforcing the impression that severe mental illness leads to violence? According to Pew Research Center there is strong support across America for policy proposals. One such proposal is to prohibit individuals with mental illness from buying guns.
M.I. Mother’s Keeper™ is concerned with the alarming rate of gun violence and mass shootings that are occurring in our local communities and across the nation. Our organization is however also interested in the massive amounts of persons that are living and struggling with mental illnesses daily, without access to proper care. Our, “State of the Community” Gun Violence Prevention/Intervention Initiative is aimed at providing comprehensive forums to discuss and bring about positive outcomes, as well as to openly examine the context of mental health when considering common sense gun reform.
Our organization’s outreach and success are entirely dependent on the financial support and in-kind donations from our corporate and private sponsors.
Thank you in advance for helping us to bring the “voices of the people” together because both Mental Illness and Gun Violence are public health problems that we should all continually be talking about!
Enclosed, please find our “State of the Community”, sponsorship packages. As a sponsor, you will receive positive media attention from your association with M.I. Mother’s Keeper™, a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization. Additionally, you will be helping to advance the discussion and to shed light on the need for both, comprehensive mental health care and responsible gun reforms.
Thank you in advance for helping us to bring the “voices of the people” together because both Mental Illness and Gun Violence are public health problems that we should all continually be talking about!