December 27th, 2017

A Message from One Diva to Another…

I often wonder what the final moments must be like for someone suffering with decreased mental abilities, in those most delicate moments when restraint is needed the most.

I often imagine the numerous amounts of individuals who haven’t been able to make peace with that most troubling part of their soul which has not allowed the possibility of reasoning nor rationalizing or any other opportunities for healing and nurturing, before all hope has been lost.

Surely I feel a deep connection with members of the community who feel lost or become isolated, or are deeply distressed and adequate resources aren’t made available, or do not prove to be enough.

Statistics suggest that many of us will face either temporary or long term bouts of mental distress in our lifetime.

Whether or not we’re able to recover and restore our mental health could very well depend on the availability of adequate resources within the communities where we work and live.

We must continue to speak up and speak out and hold our Nation and the powers that be, accountable. Mental Health Matters, Now More Than Ever!

Rhonda L. Hamilton