May 31st, 2019

Greetings DIVA!

Mental Health matters and M.I. is on a mission to help women heal and to find support all over the city. If our women are whole, our families will prosper…

This week’s topic:

My beauty is best defined by…
And I am most vulnerable when I…

Chew on that, fill in the blank, and get ready for this Sunday’s “Brunch on the Waterfront”

Join us!
DIVA Brunch at the Waterfront! Come fellowship with M.I. and be a part of something necessary!

Come release, regroup, and restore your mind, soul, and “swag”!

M.I. DIVA Talk on the Waterfront! FREE!

This & Every Sunday!

Mental Intelligent T.V. tune in weekly & grow!?

Join Us!
Must RSVP to attend!
800 Maine Avenue, S.W.
11 AM until…
